Elephants Misbehaving at Ingwelala

Elephants Misbehaving at Ingwelala

A group of about 4 Elephant bulls was reported as being destructive and dangerous in Ingwelala. A decision was taken by GM John Llewelyn and the Warden to hire a helicopter, Wild Skies Aviation with chopper pilot Jana Meyer, to chase the Elephants out of the camp to prevent any further problems. Despite their best efforts one bull refused to pass through an area where the fence had been removed - it seems Elephants never truly forget! Another attempt to remove them also never worked and so alternative options are being investigated. Watch this interesting video of the first attempt to remove the elephants! ...
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Injured Rhino Dies

Injured Rhino Dies

The report of an injured White Rhino on Ingwelala came through to the Warden on the morning of Sunday, 8 July 2018. It was initially thought that the Rhino had been shot as it was struggling to get up. On closer inspection, it was found that there was a large gash on the upper front right-hand side of the body. The decision was taken to call the vet, Dr. Peter Rogers who, after darting the Rhino, ascertained that the animal had been gored by an Elephant. The tusk had entered the rhino's lung, the second such injury observed by Peter Rogers that month. Once the wound had been cleaned and stitched and other medicine administered, the Rhino was woken up and it was just a matter of hoping it would recover after the intervention. Unfortunately, at 19:00 that evening reports came in that the Rhino had died and the following morning two large male lions had to be chased off the carcass. The...
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